All you need to know about Preciosa crystals

Preciosa crystals are recognized world-wide for their unparalleled beauty, quality and applications. The name is derived from the Spanish word- ‘Precioso’, which means precious, beautiful or lovely. Use of Premium Quality Raw Materials The components of these crystals are made of pure silica sand, sodium, minium, potassium carbonate, and other materials. These are melted at high temperatures. Only premium quality raw materials are used to produce these stunning looking crystals. They are known for their unrivalled optic-aesthetic features. Cutting-edge Preciosa® Hi-Pure Crystal™ technology is used in the manufacturing of Preciosa crystals. As a result, these crystals come out brilliantly scintillating and bright. Advanced Glassmaking Technologies are Used Not just the use of high-grade silica sand, potassium carbonate, sodium and minium; but the use of ultra-modern glassmaking technologies and polishing techniques make Preciosa a cut above. You will find superior color consistency...